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programs. You can better your job prospects by pursuing additional training and certification after you complete your degree. Many pharmacists take on residencies after graduation to learn more about a chosen specialty. Becoming a pharmacist can open many doors for future career paths. While pharmacists can be employed by retail chain pharmacies, they can also work in hospitals, government agencies, and in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacists looking to expand their skills and education can complete certificate training programs like those offered by the American Pharmacists Association or pursue a graduate degree, such as a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, an MBA, or a degree in public health. Pharmacists can also become certified through the Board of Pharmacy Specialties in an area of expertise like nutrition support pharmacy, oncology pharmacy, pediatric pharmacy, or psychiatric pharmacy. With experience and education, pharmacists can open their own pharmacies, go into research and higher education, or advance into administrative roles at hospitals and other organizations. You can apply for pharmacist jobs directly if you see an open posting, but there are many pharmacist staffing services that recruit pharmacists on behalf of hospitals, pharmacies, and other organizations that are looking for them. You should also make professional contacts through the clinical training and rotations you complete as part of your Pharm. D.

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Dana might have looked more deeply into the story drafts he read, spotted the reporting gaps and insisted that they be fixed. He did not. Its on me, Dana said. Im responsible. In hindsight, the most consequential decision Rolling Stone made was to accept that Erdely had not contacted the three friends who spoke with Jackie on the night she said she was raped. That was the reporting path, if taken, that would have almost certainly led the magazines editors to change plans. Erdely said that as she was preparing to write her first draft, she talked with Woods about the three friends. Sean advised me that for now we should just put this aside, she said. He actually suggested that I change their names for now. Woods said that he intended this decision to be temporary, pending further reporting and review. Erdely used pseudonyms in her first draft: Randall, Cindy and Andrew.

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Too much of anything will kill you. Sounds like a paid troll has visited your site Vani. The FDA is notoriously absent whenever industry says so. You might check, SCIENTIST, on what ex FDA scientists have proferred publicly as to why they could no longer remain in its employ in good conscience. Back under your rock, troll. Robert Felner, hailed as a grant rainmaker, found himself drowning in a sea of his own doing. Last week, through his Attorney, Robert Felner pled guilty in a case in which he and a colleague are accused of defrauding University of Louisville and another university out of $2. 3 million. Hailed at the outset by University administrators as a change agent, citing him as the driving force behind a spike in grant money at the school. School officials now know that Felner is, not only a thief, but was directly responsible for only a fraction of that windfall. A federal grand jury in Louisville indicted Felner and his co defendant, Thomas Schroeder of Port Byron, Ill.

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For those of you out grocery shopping and filling your pantry with healthy items like this, I've got a good article for you today. It's by Eugene Trufkin, author of the Anti Factory Farm Shopping Guide. This impressive, short, handy guide is meant for anyone who is interested in transitioning from factory farmed food to organic and hopefully, one day, biodynamic foodbut at the same time feels confused by all the labels, and even whether organic food is any better than factory farmed food. With entertaining illustrations, videos, and very light reading, the Anti Factory Farm Shopping Guide coversYou can pick up the book here, but continue reading today's article, a guest post by Eugene, for an eye opening glimpse into the Anti Factory Farm Shopping Guide that will change the way you think about food forever and better prepare you to make wise decisions during your next trip to the grocery store. This is certainly a good question and an important one to answer. For the most part, people dont care about their health and prioritize pretty much everything over ittypically buying the cheapest food out there without even thinking twice about it. However, even for those seeking to optimize their health, its still actually extremely difficult and confusing to source high quality, health promoting food. And by high quality, I dont just mean chemical free and organic. I mean a food product that actually has a respectable nutritional profile That actually has a bunch of vitamins and minerals and other health promoting compounds Food that can actually help you prevent disease, help you recover from workouts, and help you look your best. Here is where it gets really confusing, and almost everyone who is trying to optimize their health runs into this very serious issueeven expert fitness professionals. I was one of them.

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